As a group, we created this shot list:
Starts with a bit of dialog, she’s on the phone telling her friend she’s going far away. (Close up of her looking at a locket).
Split screen of her talking to her boyfriend, and him trying to get her back.
Music begins conversation stops and the camera zooms in on her face (crying).
Have the artist keep looking out of the window close up of her face.
When the first verse begins the video will zoom in then out to create a flash back of her life with her boyfriend.
Cuts to a high angle shot of her throwing clothes at her boyfriend on the balcony of their home.
Aerial shot of how rough it is on their estate, her looking out crying from the balcony thinking “How did I get here”.
Cuts from him to her arguing, using extreme close up and long shots of the argument.
It then fades back to the present day of her sitting on the train reflecting on her life. (Still thinking about her ex boyfriend she looks at the locket).
Close up of the train doors opening, and her walking out.
Following shot of her running down the platform to meet her friends. Embracing each other.
The video then cuts to her and her friends walk.
Parts on the beach will be in slow motion. (Long shots the beach, having a laugh, but you can tell she’s still thinking about her boyfriend.)
Cuts to her and her friends walking into her new house, getting ready to go out. Close up of her looking into the mirror. She keeps touching the locket.
Camera keeps picking up on her friends encouraging her to go out, and forget about him.
Quick editing of her friends picking dresses out for the artist to wear, and her looking and saying no I don’t really want to go.
Cuts to her and her friends walking out of the door for a night out. (long shot).
The camera zooms in on the artist because she stops, tells her friends she’ll catch up.
Extreme close up of her holding the locket really intensely, taking it off and throwing it, slow motion of the locket travelling through the air.
Extreme close up of the locket breaking open.
Zoom in of a picture of the artist with her boyfriend (symbolises her throwing him out of her life)
Long shot of her walking down the road and her friends waiting for her. All of them walking together. (as music fades out).